Friday, November 28, 2008

Mumbai Burns - Gather votes.

Mumbai Burns... and i have been watching it burn for more than 50 hours now. Taj & Oberois - two hotels ive always wanted to work for - and i had a lot of friends that work there - and yes, quite a few of them are dead.
And you cant really imagine how disturbed i am.
And what pisses me - listening to our f&^%ing politicians - the encounter is still on - people are still dying - bullets are still flying - and the bloody idiots, who dont even have the bloody brains or energy to move their fat asses, are blaming each other. LK Advani is telling people that when BJP was in rule, they controlled all terrorist attacks. Manmohan Singh sits like a bloody dumb ass on national TV and speaks some bloody irrevelent bullshit.
WAKE UP u idiots... innocent are dead... stop fucking thinking about votes right now!

And you know whos to blame?
Its all of us. The way we are brought up. The kind of values that we inherit. We the Indians. We, who believe in non-violence. We who believe in secularism. We, who will still wake up tomorrow morning, and go to work, as if everything is normal, even if we are in mumbai.
Rewind 9/11 - what does Bush do?? Bomb al qaida until they shit in their pants. 26/11 - what does India do? Blame each other... make use of the situation to pull votes.
Pakistan is to blame? - Then bloody move your ass and do something about it.

And that brings me to Mr. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. The person because of whom we still are fighting - and his bloody doctrines which we still follow - if you get hit on one cheek, put the other one forward. Unfortunately Mr. Singh and Mr. Advani, times have changed. If they hit you, and you dont hit them back, they will bloody laugh at your face and slap you again. They have no remorse.

Funny situation right? Somebody slaps two people on the face, and instead of slapping him back, or getting together and kicking him in the but, the two people start fighting on whos fault it was that they got slapped - thats exactly whats happening.

Im sitting in Dubai, i have lost some very good friends - and it really hurts seeing the way this entire issue is being turned political. Is this really what the people of India want to hear?

And you know what else is to blame - Secularism. Our bloody government should understand that you can never, ever satisfy every person/community/religion/group. And this should have been understood during the partition itself. But our beliefs are so bloody strong, that we chose to ignore everything around us.

No offences meant here - i have nothing against Islam or Moslems. But fact is, two communities, with inherent differences can never live in peace together - unless enforced to do so. Just compare to the UAE. This is a Muslim country - and it is not secular. 80% of the population is expats - a lot of whom are non-muslims. And everybody lives in peace. Why? Because you are enforced to do so. It is very clear to you that this is a muslim country, and if you live here, you better follow what is right for them. You live by their rules. And you can not dare to break them.
Its the bloody secularism that is killing us.

And i couldnt stop shaking my head when i read the so called email sent by the terrorists. "Muslims are targetted in India". You know what dudes - weve had a muslim prime minister. A muslim president. A muslim chief of staff. And no where in the Qoran does it say that you are "targetted" in any which way, you should retaliate by killing innocent people.

Actually, these assholes have no religion. They use religion only as a basis to create communal tension. No religion talks of killing innocents. And yeah - you want to improve the condition of Muslims in India?? Then bloody stop using your brains and money on guns and planning terrorist missions - get educated - do something worthwhile - invent something new - create a better life for upcoming generations.

And on the last note.
Kaizad, we will miss you. May your soul rest in peace.

PS : sorry if i sound confused / pissed of / upset / disturbed. But i am. This is shit happening. And no body with the power to do something about it is doing anything.


Anonymous said...

Anubhav; just read your blog entry and you know what - you just encapsulate what each and every Indian is feeling right now!!! The most outrageous of the political comments is R R Patil - so called Home Minister for State saying "this is not a breakdown of intelligence! Such small incidents happen in big cities" Small incident for indian govt when 195 people die and 300 and more are injured! Look at UK - 1 UK citizen dies in the attack and the entire govt is shaken up and sending aid to indian govt!!!!

I just dnt understand why when these terrorists have all the issues with the politicians and the govt, why can they not bomb them and get rid of them. What have the women, children and all innocent people on the roads and in the places they target done to them???

Rajiv said...


I share your feelings and the anger is totally justified. Where was Mr. Raj Thakerey when the terrorists were taking innocent lives. He should have been standing at Taj & Oberoi & should have stopped the operation of NSG commandos since they were not marathi manoos! That guy should be ashamed & should be thrown out from Mumbai. It was Maj. Sandeep from the South & commandos from North who finally rescued the hostages and saved so many lives.

It is so ironic that 5 M.P.'s were in Taj and all of them escaped unhurt. One of them from NCP very proudly stated that locked up in his room at Taj he was busy for 2 days working on his laptop & compiling election data. I have no words to describe such idiots & nincompoops. Inspite of all intelligence reports the C.M. & other politicians were just twiddling their damn thumbs. If only some of these "corrupt street dogs" had faced the bullets probably things would have been different.

Very sad to learn about your friend. May the Almighty rest his soul in peace.